Fecha: 12-13 de diciembre de 2025
Horario: 10 a. m. y 12:30 p. m.
Lugar: Victoria Theater
Precio: $8 por persona
Grados: K-6
Enfoque en las artes escénicas: Teatro
Plan de estudios: Alfabetización (cuentos orales), Narración de cuentos, Teatro, Educación Socio-Emocional
Guía de recursos para maestros
Hoja de actividades
Video previo a la presentación
Video posterior a la presentación
*Se puede solicitar más de una actuación desde el formulario de pedido.
The works of L. Frank Baum are numerous and his tales of Dorothy and her adventures in Oz are his most beloved. In this fantastic new adaptation we are invited to go to Oz with Dorothy as audience members become a part of an experiential production, singing and dancing, and acting alongside professional actors. When the cyclone comes, the entire theater enters the eye of the storm with whisking lights and exciting music created by Barrymore Award winning composer, Josh Totora.
Produced by The Experiential Theater Company
Generoso apoyo proporcionado por The Joan and Allen Bildner Family Fund, Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc., The Arts Education Endowment Fund en honor de Raymond C. Chambers, Jennifer A. Chalsty, Judy y Stewart Colton, Toby y Leon Cooperman, Mimi y Edwin Feliciano, la familia Izzo, Don Katz y Leslie Larson, McCrane Foundation, Inc., a cargo de Margrit McCrane, The MCJ Amelior Foundation, Albert+ y Katharine Merck+, la oficina del senador de EE. UU. Cory Booker, David y Marian Rocker, Steven and Beverly Rubenstein Charitable Foundation, The Sagner Companies/The Sagner Family Foundation, The John Strangfeld and Mary Kay Strangfeld Foundation, y un donador anónimo