Since 2010, the New Jersey Performing Arts Center has been the home to a rotating exhibition of student artwork, curated by our great partners at the Art Educators of New Jersey (AENJ).
Each quarter, AENJ Art teachers from across our great state select up to thirty works of art for display in our Victoria Theater lobby. These delightful pieces reflect the talents of New Jersey student artists from Kindergarten to 12th grade, representing both public and private schools. Each exhibition is an exciting celebration of creativity and community partnership to promote student achievement in the visual arts.
En NJPAC, el mundo es su escenario y nuestros hijos desempeñan un papel importante en él. NJPAC se enorgullece de seguir celebrando la creatividad y la alegría de los estudiantes al presentar virtualmente la AENJ Winter Art Exhibition 2021 – 2022.
We hope you find inspiration in the artistry of our youth.
Special thanks to Kristen Barth of the Art Educators of New Jersey for your continued partnership and support.
Presented in partnership with: