Descripción general
¡La Bethany Baptist Church de Newark celebra 25 años de Vísperas de Jazz mensuales! Acompáñenos en Bethany Baptist para este concierto gratuito que combina música de jazz y adoración.
April’s featured artist is organist Rhoda Scott, “undoubtedly one of the most dazzling legends of jazz” (Paris-Move). The daughter of an AME minister from Weymouth Township, NJ, she learned to play the organ at church. After moving to France early in her career, she launched to superstardom — becoming known as “l’Organiste aux Pieds Nus” (“The Barefoot Lady”) because of her unique habit of removing her shoes to play. We’re thrilled she’s back in Newark with her high-voltage mix of hard bop and soul jazz.
Bethany Baptist Church está ubicada en 275 W. Market Street, Newark, New Jersey.
Patrocinado en conjunto con las vísperas de jazz de Bethany Baptist Church