Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company: Year of the Snake resources

The Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company returns to the New Jersey Performing Arts Center to celebrate another Lunar New Year and the coming of spring 2024 with the Year of the Green Wood Snake. This vibrant and festive production features impressive dancers, musicians, and acrobats. You’ll experience leaping lions, flying dragons, and beautiful music played on traditional cultural instruments.

La compañía de danza Nai-Ni Chen fue fundada en 1988 por la fallecida coreógrafa Nai-Ni Chen y su esposo, Andy Chiang. La pareja compartió la visión de crear una empresa que fuera "un proveedor de primer nivel de experiencias culturales innovadoras" para reflejar la "esperanza y la energía del viaje del inmigrante". 

Lamentablemente, Nai-Ni Chen falleció en 2021. Aún así, su legado sigue vivo en la Compañía de danza Nai-Ni Chen, que continúa conectando a las comunidades china y estadounidense a través de la danza y la educación.

The late dancer Nai-Ni Chen (1959-2021) came from a rich dance tradition. She began training in traditional Chinese Dance in Taiwan at four years old. At age eighteen, Nai-Ni was selected by the government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to serve on several ambassadorial culture missions to nineteen countries. She came to the United States to study modern dance at NYU, where she studied with Doris Rudko, Ellen Tittler, Bertram Ross, and Mary Anthony. In 1988, with encouragement from Mary Anthony, she established the Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company with her husband, Andy Chiang.


NJPAC On the Mic invites your students to expand their experience of attending a SchoolTime Performances show. We provide three podcast episodes for each production, suitably aligned with New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) and New Jersey Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Competencies. With NJPAC on the Mic, the learning begins before—and continues beyond—your visit to the New Jersey Performing Arts Center!

Cómo escuchar njpac en el podcast de micrófono


Episodio: ACERCA DE (6 minutos)
Listen to this audio via the embedded media below for an introduction to the performance, the artist or company, and the venue.

Incluye: una introducción a la actuación, los artistas y el lugar, mensaje de bienvenida
Written and hosted by Dania Ramos | Additional writing by Sharon Adarlo and the Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company
Sound editing and design by Michael Aquino
Theme and outro music: NJPAC student Hip Hop program
Additional music from Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company productions Year of the Rat & Year of the Ox
Voiceover by Michael Aquino
Welcome message voiced by Andy Chiang
Series producers: Michael Aquino and Dania Ramos


Episodio: CONECTAR (9 minutos)
Listen to this audio via the embedded media below for reflection questions, a closer look at an aspect of the performance such as historical context or background on the art form, and a brief selection of vocabulary words.

Includes: Reflection questions, a look at the Chinese zodiac and Chinese New Year traditions
Written and hosted by Dania Ramos | Additional writing by Sharon Adarlo and the Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company
Sound editing and design by Michael Aquino
Theme and outro music: NJPAC student Hip Hop program
Additional music from Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company productions Year of the Rat & Year of the Ox
Opening question voiced by Ying Shi
Series producers: Michael Aquino and Dania Ramos

Episode: SPOTLIGHT (9 minutes)
Listen to this audio via the embedded media below for an exclusive interview with an artist from the production or an NJPAC staff member followed by discussion prompts.

Includes: An interview with Andy Chiang and Ying Shi, discussion starters
Written and hosted by Dania Ramos | Additional writing by Sharon Adarlo and the Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company
Sound editing and design by Michael Aquino
Theme and outro music: NJPAC student Hip Hop program
Additional music from Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company productions Year of the Rat & Year of the Ox
Interview guests: Andy Chiang and Ying Shi
Series producers: Michael Aquino and Dania Ramos

NJPAC On the Mic is produced in partnership with CM Studios. 
Equipo de actuaciones de NJPAC Arts Education: Rosa Hyde, Treasure Borde y Kendall Lipham
Productores de CM Studios: Michael Aquino, Dania Ramos 
NJPAC y CM Studios están ubicados en el condado de Essex, Nueva Jersey, situados en el territorio tradicional del pueblo Leni Lenape.

Enlaces y fuentes de episodios
Programas de educación artística del NJPAC:ón
NJPAC | Acerca del NJPAC:
Year of the Green Wood Snake Recursos del NJPAC:
Compañía de danza Nai-Ni Chen:*
año nuevo chino | Zodiaco chino: añ*
PBS | Estado de las Artes – Unidad: Coreógrafo nai-ni Chen Recordado:*
MIT | Slice of MIT – A Computer Scientist Applies Systems Thinking to Dance:*
Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company YouTube channel:*