Jan 25 – May 17 (Spring)
Time: 10AM – 3PM
Ages: 10 – 18
Location: Center for Arts Education, NJPAC
Tuition: $600
Hip hop is an art that inspires everyone to be themselves and in Hip Hop Arts & Culture students learn ways to express their style, point of view and imagination! Hands-on experience and guidance from talented Teaching Artists are at the core of the program. Students develop emcee skills and learn how to express lyrical ideas through the mic. They practice sound selection and sampling by using technology to produce beats and learn dance choreography.. No previous experience required.
¡Complementos gratis!
in the mix
creative coaching
creator’s room
Your safety is our priority. Since the pandemic began, we’ve collaborated with medical professionals, invested in building upgrades, and put new procedures in place to protect our guests, staff, volunteers, and faculty. Just a few things you might want to know: Masks are welcomed but not required. Faculty and staff are required to be vaccinated. And you can feel safe knowing our HVAC system meets industry standards for virus ionization and filtration and our cleaning processes follow all CDC recommendations. Further details on program protocols are here and specific details on procedures are shared upon completed registration and during program orientations.
Información de matrícula, política de reembolso y asistencia
La matrícula debe pagarse en su totalidad o debe existir un plan de pago antes de la primera sesión.
Si un estudiante se retira antes del comienzo de la primera sesión, se emitirá un reembolso completo.
Si un estudiante se retira después de asistir a la segunda sesión, se emitirá un reembolso del 50%.
Si un estudiante se retira después de asistir a tres sesiones, todos los pagos de matrícula no son reembolsables.
*Importante* Si un estudiante se ausenta durante las dos primeras sesiones sin ninguna comunicación o notificación previa, será retirado automáticamente del programa y perderá el pago total de la matrícula. Esto permite que más estudiantes se unan al programa desde la lista de espera.